This section provides information about the WISC V and previous versions and suggestions for material which can be used to prepare your child to provide the best performance possible.
We do not recommend that you attempt to prepare your child in the traditional sense. The WISC is a protected test with a clear test protocol that includes that the child should not have had prior exposure to questions like those seen on the test. Please see the sections above About the WISC and WISC Subtests and Suggestions for more information.
There isn't just one book which will cover everything your child needs to know but if you are pressed for time and want to do something to enhance your child's testing experience the most useful series for most children is Building Thinking Skills. For bright children you probably want above grade level material.
For parents who really want to see what the test questions might look like we carry Aristotle Circle's Test Preparation workbooks. These are expensive because they contain test specific information. They do not have very many questions and are not a good choice to teach a child new material.
We're happy to answer questions to assist you in your selections. You can email or phone.