Grade(s): 5-8 Pages: 32
You can easily build your students' critical thinking and vocabulary skills with these fun analogy activities. Teaching students to solve analogies not only develops analogical thinking, it also helps students learn and apply vocabulary skills. An analogy is a comparison between two things. It points out the similarities or likenesses between things that might be different in all other respects.
The exercises included in this resource not only build thinking skills and make students more flexible and analytical, they also enhance vocabulary and writing skills. Each illustrated page presents several analogy types along with examples of each type. Review pages give students an opportunity to identify and then solve a variety of analogies. The activities in this book will challenge students to think more critically and apply advanced vocabulary.
This book introduces 16 different types of analogies, including: synonyms (calm : serene), part to whole (ring : jewelry), place or location (Peru : South America), cause and effect (fire : smoke), action to object (cut : scissors), and characteristics (ruby : red).
These challenging activities are perfect for teaching analytical thinking, enhancing vocabulary, and improving writing skills.