Grade(s): 5 Pages: 203 Activities: 5 activities for each of 180 days This standards-based resource provides an engaging and purposeful practice page for every day of the school year. The practice pages follow a consistent format, and each key mathematical skill or concept is addressed daily. Parents looking for supplemental math activities can begin this title at any time during the school year. It works just a well for summer skill retention. Purchase the grade your child will be entering and aim for a couple of pages a day. At the end of summer your child will know more math than they did at the beginning. These activities reinforce grade-level skills across a variety of mathematical concepts. The questions are provided as a full practice page making it easy to set a daily goal. Every fifth-grade practice page provides 10 questions, each tied to a specific mathematical concept. Students are given the opportunity for regular practice in each mathematical concept, allowing them to build confidence through these quick standards-based activities. Teachers can use the included diagnostic tools to record evidence of student learning, assess student and class progress, and identify students' intervention or enrichment needs.