You are here:Home > Thinking Skills > LUK Learning System for young children > How to Play > miniLUK Static Demonstration
Open the workbook to the exercise page that you wish to play.
Open the controller and place the see-through lid on top of the lower page of the workbook (the remainder of the controller will be below the book).
Place the tiles in the lower part of the controller in order from 1 to 10. 
Pick up the first tile.
Look at the first spot on the upper page.
Identify the correct answer on the second page and place the tile labelled one on the see through lid covering the correct answer.

Repeat for the remaining tiles to answer all 12 questions.  
Close the controller (which now has all the tiles on the upper portion) and flip it over.
Compare the pattern made by the back of the tiles with the pattern in the top right of the second page (middle right of the image).  It it matches all the questions were answered correctly.