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My First Veritech Series - Correlation Summary

Expectations covered with every book in this series:

    make sense of simple written materials (e.g., familiar words, signs, labels), using reading strategies that are appropriate for beginners
    use and respond to a variety of media materials
    use a variety of materials to communicate information
    match objects by one-to-one correspondence
    recognize and write numerals from 1 to 10
    place some specific types of objects (e.g., shoes, favourite foods) on concrete graphs and pictographs
    use simple grids correctly



I'am 4 at last! I'am 4 at last!

    use language accurately to describe basic spatial relationships
    identify and sort two-dimensional shapes
    mix paint to create new colours
    identify elements of visual images, such as colours and variations in shape and size
    compare information on objects, using two categories

I'am 4 at last! I'am 4 at last!

    compare information on objects, using two categories
    identify and reproduce simple patterns
    use language accurately to describe basic spatial relationships
    identify and sort two-dimensional shapes
    begin to distinguish between the imaginary and the real
    use simple measurement terms correctly

I'am 4 at last! I'am 4 at last!

    identify elements of visual images
    talk about time in relation to certain events or activities
    sort and classify objects into sets according to specific characteristics, and describe those characteristics describe some natural occurrences, using their own observations
    describe characteristics of natural materials and demonstrate understanding of some basic concepts
    related to them
    describe the functions of common objects found at home and at school

The All About Me Series - Correlation Summary

The VERITECH Collection and The Ontario Primary Curriculum

Expectations covered with every book in this series:

    make sense of simple written materials (e.g., familiar words, signs, labels), using reading strategies that are appropriate for beginners
    use and respond to a variety of media materials
    use a variety of materials to communicate information
    match objects by one-to-one correspondence
    recognize and write numerals from 1 to 10
    place some specific types of objects (e.g., shoes, favourite foods) on concrete graphs and pictographs
    use simple grids correctly



My Friends and Me

    recognize and use patterns
    match objects by one-to-one correspondence
    recognize and write numerals from 1 to 10
    sort and classify objects into sets according to specific characteristics, and describe those characteristics
    identify nutritious foods

Up and Down and All Around—That’s Me

    match objects by one-to-one correspondence
    use language accurately to describe basic spatial relationships
    compare information on objects, using two categories
    name body parts and talk about their function
    identify feelings and emotions

From Top to Toe

    compare information on objects, using two categories
    describe different kinds of weather and the ways in which people adapt to the weather
    identify patterns and cycles in their daily lives
    identify some events that occur every year
    identify elements of visual images, such as colours and variations in shape and size

Bits, Bites and More—for Me to Eat

    sort and classify objects into sets according to specific characteristics, and describe those characteristics
    estimate and count to identify sets with more, fewer, or the same number of objects
    identify and sort three-dimensional objects
    identify nutritious foods

My Best Beast

    use language accurately to describe basic spatial relationships
    describe local natural habitats
    identify and talk about their own interests and preferences
    identify elements of visual images, such as colours and variations in shape and size

Home is Best for Me

    make connections between their own experiences and those of storybook characters
    identify and sort two-dimensional shapes
    identify patterns and cycles in their daily lives
    identify some events that occur every year
    identify nutritious foods

The Literacy Series - Correlation Summary

The VERITECH Collection and The Ontario Primary Curriculum

Expectations covered with every book in this series:

  • make sense of simple written materials (e.g., familiar words, signs, labels), using reading strategies that are appropriate for beginners
  • use and respond to a variety of media materials
  • use a variety of materials to communicate information
  • match objects by one-to-one correspondence
  • recognize and write numerals from 1 to 10
  • place some specific types of objects (e.g., shoes, favourite foods) on concrete graphs and pictographs
  • use simple grids correctly




What’s up Crock?
  • retell a simple story in proper sequence and recall information in it accurately
  • use their knowledge and experience to understand what they read
  • use pictures and illustrations to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words
  • use their knowledge to determine the meaning of a sentence
  • use language patterns and sound patterns to identify words and to predict the next word
Enrich vocabulary and promote the visual discrimination of shapes, letters, and picture-words.
We’d Better Get a Letter
  • recognize most of the letters of the alphabet
  • use pictures and illustrations to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words
  • identify characteristics of different forms of written materials
  • print legibly
Recognize letters of the alphabet in both upper and lower case forms, learn to rhyme words, and to find missing letters in words, in alphabetical order.
Word Play
  • use their knowledge and experience to understand what they read
  • use language patterns and sound patterns to identify words and to predict the next word
  • use pictures and illustrations to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words
  • identify musical instruments
Recognize shapes, practice sound discrimination, broaden vocabulary and organize elements in space.
  • use language patterns and sound patterns to identify words and to predict the next word
  • recognize homonyms and homophones
Develop observation skills required for reading. Word-association games develop observation skills. Find the homonyms. Identify letters, words and objects.

The Numeracy Series - Correlation Summary

The VERITECH Collection and The Ontario Primary Curriculum

Expectations covered with every book in this series:

    make sense of simple written materials (e.g., familiar words, signs, labels), using reading strategies that are appropriate for beginners
    use and respond to a variety of media materials
    use a variety of materials to communicate information
    match objects by one-to-one correspondence
    recognize and write numerals from 1 to 10
    place some specific types of objects (e.g., shoes, favourite foods) on concrete graphs and pictographs
    use simple grids correctly
    use mathematical language to identify and describe numbers in the world around them



How Now Eleven Cows    

    demonstrate the conservation of number
    read and print numerals from 0 to 100
    demonstrate the one-to-one correspondence between number and objects when counting

    Children are introduced to new words and the notion of quantity, through whimsical stories.
I Like To Count    

    demonstrate the conservation of number
    compare, order, and represent whole numbers to 100 using concrete materials and drawings
    demonstrate the one-to-one correspondence between number and objects when counting

    Compelling exercises teach children how to count.

    recall addition and subtraction facts to 18
    explore and identify three-dimensional figures using concrete materials and drawings
    explore and identify two-dimensional shapes

The Sciences Series - Correlation Summary

The VERITECH Collection and The Ontario Primary Curriculum

Expectations covered with every book in this series:

    make sense of simple written materials (e.g., familiar words, signs, labels), using reading strategies that are appropriate for beginners
    use and respond to a variety of media materials
    use a variety of materials to communicate information
    match objects by one-to-one correspondence
    recognize and write numerals from 1 to 10
    place some specific types of objects (e.g., shoes, favourite foods) on concrete graphs and pictographs
    use simple grids correctly



Places and Spaces

    describe the subject matter in various artistic creations
    organise the tiles to complete the image


    describe the subject matter in various artistic creations
    organise the tiles to complete the maze


    demonstrate the conservation of number
    demonstrate the one-to-one correspondence between number and objects
    when counting
    identify and reproduce simple patterns

We are the Champions

    demonstrate the one-to-one correspondence between number and objects
    when counting
    identify various musical instruments

?? Whose ??

    demonstrate the one-to-one correspondence between number and objects
    when counting
    identify and describe the major physical characteristics of different types of animals
    identify constant traits and changing traits in animals


    identify constant traits and changing traits in animals
    demonstrate the one-to-one correspondence between number and objects
    when counting

Birds, Beasts and Bugs

    compare ways in which different animals care for their young
    compare ways in which animals eat their food
    identify and describe the major physical characteristics of different types of animals

Around the World in Twenty-Four… Pages

    compare symbols that represent the countries studied with symbols
    of their own country
    describe places observed through the media, comparing their climates and regions
    describe some everyday items and identify the countries of origin of these items