Poor short-term or working memory is one reason why children may appear inattentive.
Working memory for a person is like RAM for a computer. It's the information you hold in your mind "at your fingertips" as it were. With poor working memory you might have forgotten the first three digits of that phone number before you heard the last four. Your child might have to read and re-read that math problem because by the time they've got to the end they're forgotten what they're supposed to do.
Recent research suggests that working on any area of memory has payoff in other areas. So, for example, working on visual memory seems to help auditory memory too.
Most of the titles below explicitly work on either visual or auditory memory. The publisher provided grade recommendations are for typically developing children. If your child struggles with memory you might need to start with material below their current grade level. If you have a highly capable child with memory as a relative weakness try starting with grade level material. You can adjust up or down from there as needed.
We've also included some titles which work on specific skills which have a high memory component like learning to read or learning vocabulary.